Eakatele mõeldud mööbli disaini/tootmise töötuba

Tuleviku mööbel eakatele. Designed by Tauno Erik

Ootame töötuppa mööblitootjaid ja sisekujundajaid. Tulge vaadake, milliseid ärilisi võimalusi pakuvad eakatele mõeldud tooted! Tulge tehke tööstusspionaaži 🙂 – milliseid prototüüpe on juba tehtud. Tutvustatakse ka eakate seas läbi viidud uuringut.

Ootame töötuppa üliõpilasi, kutsekoolide õpilasi ja kõiki huvilisi. Tulge heitke pilk tulevikku! Et teema poleks teile väga võõras, siis saate Magic Mirror´i  abil aimu, millised näete välja vanana ja Geriatric Simulator´i abil tunda ennast vanana. Saate teadmisi, kuidas toimub vajaliku toote/teenuse arendamine ja saate ka oma sõna sekka öelda.

Osaleda saab ka ainult ühel päeval. Töökeel on inglise keel. Töötuba on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine.

Kõik osalejad on oodatud ühisele õhtusöögile Kubija Hotelli www.kubija.ee.  Õhtusöögi kulud kaetakse projekti raames, aga transport on osavõtjate korraldada.

Registreeru siin kuni 14. septembrini

Ööbimisvõimalus. Lisainfo: Jörgen Dobris, jorgen@tsenter.ee, tel +372 58557378

Töötuba toimub projekti raames: INTERREG VB project BaltSe@nioR – Innovative solutions to support enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region in product development aimed at raising comfort and safety of seniors home living (project info http://www.baltsenior.up.poznan.pl/).  Projekti Partner: Hanse Parlament, Lead Partner Dr. Beata Fabisiak, Poznan University of Life Sciences. 

Workshop – Furniture for elderly
Innovative solutions for the production of furniture for Seniors

September 17 – 18, 2018, TSENTER, Pärna tee 1, Väimela, Võru vald, Võru Maakond 65566

Monday, 17th September 2018

12:30 Visit of the Võru County Vocational Training Centre

Meeting point: in front of the main building

            Address: Väimela, Võru vald, Võru maakond 65566

14:00  Welcome coffee and registration

14:30 Part I: Information and prototypes

  • Jörgen Dobris, Centre of Competence for Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing, Welcoming
  • Max Hogeforster, Chairman of the Hanse-Parlament and the Baltic Sea Academy: Furniture for elderly – interesting market opportunity? Results of a survey in the Baltic Sea Region
  • Beata Fabisiak, University of Life Sciences in Poznan: BSR is getting older. How to transform the challenge into a business opportunity?

15:30 Coffee break

  • Anja Poberznik, Saari Santeri, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences: Smart furniture for seniors
  • Jan Sedenka, University of Skövde: Branding as a valuable resource within the silver economies


Presentation of prototypes

17:30 End of the day

18:30 Joint dinner in Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa, Männiku 43a, Võru 65603

Tuesday, 18th September 2018

09:00 Welcome coffee and registration

09:30 Workshop – develop innovative solutions together!

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 Continuation Workshop – develop innovative solutions together!

13:00 Lunch

14:00 End of the day

Despite the demographic developments, with almost 20% of the EU population being 65 years old or more, the market offering products to seniors is still underdeveloped. This is especially true for furniture.

As a result, the elderly experience decreased comfort of life, jeopardizing their independence in their home environment. In the project BaltSe@nior co-financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region, by developing prototypes of intelligent furniture and upgrading design trends, companies are offered thriving opportunities to develop more suitable products for the elderly and thus opening new business market opportunities.

During the conference featured designs, ICT tools, prototypes knowledge and further information on the status que of furniture production for elderly will be presented.

The conference takes place at TSENTER from 17th – 18th September 2018. The registered participants will be invited to dinner and lunch.

It especially addresses manufacturers and enterprises in the furniture industry as well as students (e. g. interior design), representatives from vocational schools working in this field and other interested parties.

The conference offers possibility to discuss, exchange ideas and make contacts.

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact: local contact person Jörgen Dobris, jorgen@tsenter.ee, tel +372 58557378

               The conference is funded by the European Union

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