Export workshops for furniture producers and house building companies

Avaldatud: 6. March, 2018

Wood and furniture industry entrepreneurs have the opportunity to learn practical tools for promoting export capacity with limited resources

Only a few days left to apply for practical seminars for wood and furniture industry which will take place on March 12-13 in Vaimela (Estonia) and 14 – 15 March in Valmiera. You will find out the solutions and practical tools for promoting exports with limited resources and look into the benefits of outsourcing selected tasks and engaging freelancers through international freelance networks for outsourcing.

To gain success in export you need to address numerous subject matters – analyse company’s and product’s readiness, align export related priorities, find a way to complete essential tasks with limited resources. In our export workshops this is what we are focusing on! We will also look into the benefits of outsourcing selected tasks and engaging freelancers through international freelance networks for outsourcing. 

Key speakers:
Krista Petersone (Gateway & Partners)
Jakob Saks (freelance platforms guru)

Sign up for Export Workshop for Furniture companies

Sign up for Export Workshop for Wooden construction and house building companies




Day I
9:30–10:00 – Checkin and snacks
10:00–11:30 – Introduction
What companies need to know before entering new export markets – am I ready for export? 
11:30–11:45 – Refreshment break
11:45–13:00 – Export sales channels – how it differs from local market and how to generate sales leads? How to manage all sales activities with limited in-house sales capacities?
13:00–13:45 – Lunch 
13:45–15:30 – Participant’s export process evaluation: where am I – what are my strengths and weaknesses. How I can manage obstacles and reach success? Practical task.
15:30–15:45 – Refreshment break
15:45–17:00 – Outsourcing export sales – is it possible? 
Day II
9:00–10:45 – Revision of task list prepared on Day I. Analysis of the suitability of different tasks for outsourcing. Assessing risks when using freelancers. 
10:45–11:00 – Refreshment break
11:00–11:30 – Analysing offers from Day I assignment. How to choose best candidates? Preparing answers for offers. 
11:30–12:45 – Meeting an exporter who has successfully entered new markets. Sharing the experience with participants. 
12:45–13:00 – Lunch 
13:00–14:30 – Interviewing first candidates for Day I assignment. Preparation of new assignment descriptions for most suitable tasks to Upwork. 
14:30–14:45 – Refreshment break
14:45–16:00 – Preparing for next steps. Plan for homework. Conclusions.

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