Welcome to TSENTER – a network connecting companies and institutions in the wood and furniture sector, possessing the best knowledge and skills in materials, technologies, production management, and product development.

Our goal is to achieve the competitiveness and higher added value of products of companies operating in the Estonian wood processing sector by supporting the creation of their products and brands, and as a result, moving the Estonian wood sector into more profitable parts of the value chain.
Vision ja mission
Our vision is to become a recognized leader in innovation in the fields of wood processing and furniture manufacturing.
Our mission is to support companies in the wood sector, as well as educational, research, and public sector institutions, by providing a comprehensive professional network and innovative knowledge in the fields of technologies, production management, and product development.
Activity Fields
Product Development
We offer product development services based on customer requirements, both for enhancing and improving existing products and for developing new products.
Production Solutions
We provide support to companies in developing and testing automation and robotics solutions for production, finding suitable organizational methods for this purpose.
Training Courses
We organize both theoretical and practical training sessions covering a wide range of topics, from machinery and equipment to productivity improvement and sales processes. We can tailor the training sessions to meet the specific needs and goals of the client.
You can order a variety of services from us, ranging from consulting and creating drawings and 3D models to surface printing and CNC milling.
Development and International Projects
Our projects offer various opportunities, from development activities to establishing international partnerships, to support the growth and competitiveness of local companies in the global market.
Knowledge Gathering and Sharing
We gather and share information related to the wood and furniture sectors, including wood and wood material processing, furniture manufacturing, and industry best practices, to foster collaboration between educational institutions and other sectors.
Management Board
Eveli Kuklane
Võru County Education and Technology Center EWERS
Andrus Seeme
Association of Põlvamaa Municipalities
Andres Linnasaar
Barrus AS
Remo Allikas
Furniture Cluster of South-East Estonia
Mait Klaassen
Estonian University of Life Sciences
Juho Toomik
Lasva Liimpuidu AS
Tiit Toots
Union of Local Governments of Võru County
Jaan Kers
Tallinn University of Technology
Raul Vene
Wermo AS