Innovative solutions to support BSR in providing more senior – friendly public spaces due to increased capacity of BSR companies and public institutions
Acronym: BaltSe@nioR 2.0
Co-financer: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme
Priority 1. Capacity for innovation
1.3 Non-technological innovation: To advance the Baltic Sea Region performance in non-technological innovation based on increased capacity of innovation actors
Duration: 30 months; 01.01.2019 – 30.06.2021
- Poznan University of Life Sciences (Poland) – lead partner
- Development Centre UMT (Denmark);
- Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
- Ukmergė District Municipality Administration (Lithuania)
- Technical University of Munich (Germany)
- ITMO University (Russia)
- Art Academy of Latvia (Latvia)
- Hanseatic Parliament (Germany
- University of Skövde (Sweden)
- Saue Vallavalitsus (Saue Parish Government) – Estonia
- Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskus (Võru County Vocational Training Centre), Estonia.
BaltSe@nioR 2.0 is unifying various actors (municipalities, universities, businesses, NGOs) representing 9 countries to work together to help to cope with the aging challenge by providing more senior-friendly public spaces. One of aims of the project is to show BSR furniture manufacturers how to develop interesting business ideas facing the aging challenge and responding public space requirements by using potential of BSR creative industries and cross-sectional specialization including implementation of IT solutions to produce smart furniture.
As one of planned results the e-catalogue of good examples about senior furniture will be created. The important aim of the project is to create, demonstrate and test novel concepts and prototypes of furniture assisting and meeting seniors’ needs.
The main task for Võru County Vocational Training Centre is to produce the prototypes of senior-friendly furniture that will be tested at Saue Parish.
The budget of the project for VKHK – 150 000 Euros, co-financing from EU – 127 500 Euros.