Erasmus +, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances
Lot 2: SSA for Design and Delivery of Vocational Education and Training
Project name:
Skills for Baltic Wood Industry – European Quality in Vocational Education and Training/ Skilled-Up
Duration: 36 months, 01.11.2018 – 31.10.2021
The main aim of the project is to improve the skills of labour force for wood processing sector in Baltic states.
– Strengthen cooperation between VET institutions and industry representatives;
– Improve quality of VET institutions by introducing WBL programme for internationally recognized qualification in line with EU quality instruments;
– Improving skills and providing strategy and instruments to address skills shortages in wood processing sector;
– Foster economic development and innovation of the sector by preparing specialists corresponding to labour market needs;
– Invest in understanding – digital technologies, mobility and zero-waste production are drivers of change.
Main results:
– WBL training program for EQF level 5 in wood processing sector, approbated in VET institutions and enterprises in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia;
– Guidelines for developing WBL training program and applying EQAVET indicators, multiplication at EU level;
– Established partnership – wood sector skills alliance in Baltic states and Germany – with potential of wider, long-term cooperation of VET providers, industry representatives and stakeholders.
Partner 1: Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer in Estland, Lettland, Litauen / German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK), Germany – coordinator of the project;
Partner 2: Latvijas Kokapstrādes uzņēmēju un eksportētāju asociācija / Latvian Association of Woodprocessing Enterpreneurs and Export (LKUEA ), Latvia;
Partner 3: Lietuvos medienos pramonės įmonių asociacija „Lietuvos mediena” / The Lithuanian Wood Working Industry Association “Lietuvos mediena”, Lithuania;
Partner 4: Furniture Cluster of South-East Estonia, Estonia;
Partner 5: Lehrinstitut Rosenheim; Germany;
Partner 6: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte / Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia;
Partner 7: Kauno Kolegija, Lithuania;
Partner 8: Center of Competence for Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing (unit of Võru County Vocational Training Centre), Estonia;
Partner 9: AS Latvijas Finieris, Latvia.
Budget of the project (100% is financed by EU)
- VKHK TSENTER (Center of Competence for Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing (unit of Võru County Vocational Training Centre)) 79 835 €
- Kagu-Eesti Puiduklaster (Furniture Cluster of South-East Estonia) 48 078 €
Project manager: Astrid Org