Every valuable idea thrives when it receives the right support
Product development
We offer product development services to all companies that wish to develop wood based products. Additionally, we provide consulting to student companies in the process of product development and prototyping.
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Production solutions
Companies can receive support from us in developing and testing automation and robotics solutions for production, finding the appropriate organizational method for this. We offer production solutions services to small or medium-sized enterprises engaged in batch production, aiming to make their production more efficient.
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Training courses
Korraldame koolitusi vastavalt teie ettevõtte vajadustele ja eesmärkidele masinate ja seadmete valdkonnast kuni tootlikkuse parendamise ja müügiprotsessideni.
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You can order a variety of services from us, ranging from creating drawings and 3D models to surface printing and CNC milling. We offer consulting in the field of wood and furniture, which includes consultations, practical guidance, and solutions to various problems.
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You can organize meetings and training sessions for up to 50 people with us. Access for people with mobility impairments is ensured.
We also offer a photo studio service. You can come to photograph both smaller and larger objects, either by ordering a full service from us or by bringing your own photographer.
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